5 Things To Know About Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is a physical disorder of male chest caused by accumulation of unwanted fat tissues to the chest area. This expansion transforms the male chests into sagging breasts which leads to physical and psychological distress for many. To address the physical discomfort a male breast reduction surgery, often known as gynecomastia surgery, has become a popular option. 

But before considering this surgical procedure, it is essential to learn useful insights about this procedure. Regarding this, we are going to detail the top five things about this procedure. Meanwhile, inputs to create the blog have been taken from experts of gynecomastia surgery in Hyderabad like Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan. 

1. Understanding the Condition: Gynecomastia is common and can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances, genetics, obesity, or certain medications. It’s crucial to distinguish between true gynecomastia (excess glandular tissue) and pseudogynecomastia (excess fat deposits). A consultation with a plastic surgeon can help determine the underlying cause and the most appropriate treatment approach.

2. Personalised Assessment: Gynecomastia surgery is not a one-size-fits-all procedure. Each individual’s anatomy, severity of the condition, and goals are unique. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will conduct a thorough examination to tailor the surgical plan to the patient’s specific needs, ensuring optimal results.

3. Surgical Techniques: The treatment involves various surgical techniques depending on the extent of tissues. Liposuction may be utilised to remove excess fat, while excision techniques are used to address glandular tissue. In some cases, a combination of both methods might be recommended to achieve the desired outcome.

4. Recovery and Downtime: The majority of gynecomastia surgeries are done as outpatient procedures. Although recovery times can differ, patients should expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the days after the treatment. It’s crucial to put on a compression garment as directed by the surgeon to promote healthy healing and reduce swelling. Most people are able to resume light activities after a week or two, gradually getting back to their regular routines over the course of a few weeks.

5. Emotional Transformation: Gynecomastia surgery impacts on a person’s self-confidence too. Many individuals experience improved self-esteem and a greater sense of comfort in their own skin following the procedure. It’s essential to have realistic expectations and understand that final results may take time to fully develop as swelling subsides.
People should do their research work and choose a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in this procedure before having gynecomastia surgery. To find the best plastic surgeon in Hyderabad, you may book an appointment with Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan. The expert plastic surgeon is renowned for providing excellent results.

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