• 5 Things To Know About Gynecomastia Surgery

    Gynecomastia is a physical disorder of male chest caused by accumulation of unwanted fat tissues to the chest area. This expansion transforms the male chests into sagging breasts which leads to physical and psychological distress for many. To address the physical discomfort a male breast reduction surgery, often known as gynecomastia surgery, has become a popular option. 

    But before considering this surgical procedure, it is essential to learn useful insights about this procedure. Regarding this, we are going to detail the top five things about this procedure. Meanwhile, inputs to create the blog have been taken from experts of gynecomastia surgery in Hyderabad like Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan. 

    1. Understanding the Condition: Gynecomastia is common and can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances, genetics, obesity, or certain medications. It’s crucial to distinguish between true gynecomastia (excess glandular tissue) and pseudogynecomastia (excess fat deposits). A consultation with a plastic surgeon can help determine the underlying cause and the most appropriate treatment approach.

    2. Personalised Assessment: Gynecomastia surgery is not a one-size-fits-all procedure. Each individual’s anatomy, severity of the condition, and goals are unique. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will conduct a thorough examination to tailor the surgical plan to the patient’s specific needs, ensuring optimal results.

    3. Surgical Techniques: The treatment involves various surgical techniques depending on the extent of tissues. Liposuction may be utilised to remove excess fat, while excision techniques are used to address glandular tissue. In some cases, a combination of both methods might be recommended to achieve the desired outcome.

    4. Recovery and Downtime: The majority of gynecomastia surgeries are done as outpatient procedures. Although recovery times can differ, patients should expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the days after the treatment. It’s crucial to put on a compression garment as directed by the surgeon to promote healthy healing and reduce swelling. Most people are able to resume light activities after a week or two, gradually getting back to their regular routines over the course of a few weeks.

    5. Emotional Transformation: Gynecomastia surgery impacts on a person’s self-confidence too. Many individuals experience improved self-esteem and a greater sense of comfort in their own skin following the procedure. It’s essential to have realistic expectations and understand that final results may take time to fully develop as swelling subsides.
    People should do their research work and choose a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in this procedure before having gynecomastia surgery. To find the best plastic surgeon in Hyderabad, you may book an appointment with Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan. The expert plastic surgeon is renowned for providing excellent results.

  • What Plastic Surgery Changes To Face?

    Nowadays, plastic surgery is common for facial corrections. This invasive procedure performed by a qualified plastic surgeon gives long-lasting corrections which were impossible through non-invasive treatment. But before considering this procedure, it is essential to learn about what plastic surgery can do to the facial appearance. 

    Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan is the best plastic surgeon in Hyderabad. By taking insights from the doctor’s successful career in performing plastic surgeries, this blog is going to address facial plastic surgery. Continue to read.

    What is Facial Plastic Surgery?

    Plastic surgery is a constructive surgical procedure  which is performed to correct the physical deformities. The facial plastic surgery includes:-

    1. Correction of Misshapen Nose

    Rhinoplasty usually known as nose surgery and nose job is a cosmetic plastic surgery nose. This plastic surgery corrects the misshapen, crooked nose, flared nostrils. This surgery is also useful to correct breathing difficulties and issues of snoring.  

    1. Repair of Defective Ears by Birth 

    Many kids and elders are born with dislocated, incorrect or semi-developed ears. Such people may face difficulty to hear. Otoplasty corrects these physical deformities of the ears.  

    1. Blepharoplasty

    Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that rejuvenates the appearance of the eyelids by removing excess skin, fat, and muscle, giving a more youthful and rested look.

    1. Dimple Creation 

    Dimple creation is a cosmetic procedure that involves a small incision to create natural-looking dimples on the cheeks, enhancing facial aesthetics and charm.

    1. Cheek enhancement

    It entails increasing the harmony of the entire facial structure by adding volume and definition to the cheeks using dermal fillers or implants.

    1. Chin augmentation 

    The chin is reshaped during this process utilizing implants or surgery, which enhances the profile and facial equilibrium.

    1. Scar revision

    It aims to minimise the appearance of facial scars through surgical techniques or treatments, restoring smoother skin texture.

    1. Facelift

     Facelift, often referred to as rhytidectomy, is a surgical technique that tightens the muscles and skin of the face to improve wrinkles and drooping for a more youthful appearance.


    These plastic surgery procedures demand considerable thought and discussion with a qualified and skilled plastic surgeon. It’s crucial for people to have reasonable expectations and be aware of both the advantages and potential risks of any surgery, even though they can produce dramatic results. In the end, facial plastic surgery aims to assist patients in achieving a more assured, harmonious, and youthful appearance that is in line with their chosen aesthetic objectives. To know more, you may schedule a consultation with Dr. Sandhya Balaubramanyan, cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad.

  • Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, An Expert Cosmetic Surgeon in Hyderabad

    Seeking the top cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad? With the help of Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, unleash your natural beauty. With the help of her selection of cosmetic procedures, such as facelifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, and breast augmentation, you can enhance your looks with accuracy and grace. Due to Dr. Sandhya Bala’s experience, your desired changes will be made in a manner that looks natural. Call or visit the official website of Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan to schedule your consultation right away.

  • Best plastic surgeon in Hyderabad – Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan

    Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan is regarded as the best plastic surgeon in Hyderabad. She has extensive years of experience in performing a variety of cosmetic and plastic surgeries in the town. She is able to comprehend the clients’ feelings and surgical expectations thanks to her knowledge and experience. She exceeds the expectations of her clients and gives them exceptional care. She has some impressive arrows in her quiver, including operations for male boobs, breast implants, and rhinoplasty. Make an appointment with her right away to learn more about the cost of plastic surgery in Hyderabad provided by Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan.

  • A Renowned Cosmetic Surgeon in Bangalore – Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan

    To achieve your ideal appearance, get the needed treatment offered by Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, a reputable cosmetic surgeon in Bangalore. Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan specializes in a variety of procedures and provides transformative results with liposuction, breast augmentation, facelifts, rhinoplasty, and other procedures. She ensures individualised treatment regimens for each patient, with an emphasis on safety and organic results. With modern techniques carried out by a qualified professional, embrace confidence and radiance. To reveal your genuine beauty, schedule a consultation now!

  • Labiaplasty – How Effective Is It For Women?

    Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgery that aims to reshape the labia minora/majora (vaginal lips). This minimally invasive surgery enhances a woman’s physical genital organ’s appearance and self-confidence. To avail the benefits of labiaplasty, various aspects like the procedure, potential risks, recovery, and cost are essential for the female to be aware of in advance.

    Hence, this blog is going to address the effectiveness of labiaplasty and its impact on women’s lives. However, references to this blog have been taken from a discussion with Dr. Sandhya Balasubrmanyan, a plastic surgeon renowned for labiaplasty surgery in Bangalore.

    Procedure of Labiaplasty

    Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that addresses the folds of skin surrounding the female genital area. With the help of incisions, the tissues of the labia majora are approached, and the removal of unwanted skin and tissues is performed. Labiaplasty may be painful; therefore, anesthesia is used to make the patient comfortable during the procedure.

    Need of Labiaplasty

    • Address Physical Discomfort

    The primary reason for labiaplasty is to alleviate physical discomfort caused by an enlarged or elongated labia. An enlarged labia may lead to irritation or discomfort during physical activities or while wearing skin-fit clothing. In such cases, labiaplasty can offer relief and improve comfort by positively impacting daily lives.

    • Boosting Self-Esteem and Body Confidence

    Self-consciousness about genital appearance is a major concern for many females. Labiaplasty provides an opportunity for such women to achieve the physical appearance they desire, increasing their self-esteem and body confidence.

    • Enhancing Sexual Satisfaction

    Labiaplasty may enhance sexual satisfaction for some female patients. Making the decision to have the surgery done could improve your intimacy and sexual experiences if your swollen labia makes you uncomfortable or self-conscious while engaging in sexual activity. Before making such a decision, it’s important to keep in mind that individual experiences can vary and that open communication with a partner is necessary.

    • Risks and Considerations

    Labiaplasty carries significant risks and problems, just like any surgical surgery. These include the possibility of infection, scarring, sensitivity loss, and unhappiness with the aesthetic result. Making an informed decision requires weighing the risks and rewards and going over all the options with a licensed medical professional.


    Women seeking relief from physical discomfort as well as those hoping to boost their sexual experiences and self-confidence may find labiaplasty to be a useful solution. But it’s crucial to approach this decision with prudence and give all the risks and advantages careful thought. Women are advised to have detailed conversations with cosmetic surgeons before choosing labiaplasty to ensure the treatment’s suitability. To learn more, schedule an appointment with Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, a popular cosmetic surgeon in Bangalore, for labiaplasty.

  • Dermal Fillers For Liquid Facelift

    Many people share the wish to age gracefully. A liquid facelift with dermal fillers might be the solution if someone is seeking a non-surgical technique to refresh the look of the face. Dermal fillers are used in this cutting-edge technique to restore volume, reduce wrinkles, and produce a youthful, refreshed appearance.

    This blog is based on insights shared by Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, a renowned plastic surgeon who corrects aging signs using dermal fillers in Hyderabad. In this post, we are going to address the use of dermal fillers for liquid facelifts to rejuvenate the facial experience. So read the post carefully!

    What is a Liquid Facelift?

    A liquid facelift is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery that employs dermal fillers to lift and revitalise the face. To restore volume, reduce wrinkles, and improve facial contours, this treatment uses injectable fillers rather than a standard surgical facelift. A liquid facelift can give the illusion of a more youthful face without the use of incisions or anaesthesia by judiciously placing fillers in particular regions of the face.

    Benefits of Dermal Fillers in a Liquid Facelift 

    • Immediate Results
      Dermal fillers provide immediate improvement by restoring lost volume and reducing wrinkles. The results of the procedure are seen right away, giving the patient a rejuvenated appearance.
    • Nonsurgical Method
      A liquid facelift, in contrast to a surgical facelift, is a minimally invasive procedure with less recovery time and no need for general anaesthesia. For individuals looking for rejuvenation without the risks and recuperation time associated with surgery, this makes it an appealing choice.
    • Results that are adaptable and natural-looking
      Dermal fillers can be used to provide precise tailoring to address unique problems. Expert practitioners can customize the procedure to provide outcomes that are natural-looking, improve facial features, and restore a more youthful shape.

    Popular Dermal Fillers for a Liquid Facelift 

    Various types of dermal fillers can be used in a liquid facelift, including hyaluronic acid-based fillers like Restylane, Juvéderm, and Belotero. These fillers are safe, well-tolerated, and can effectively address different areas of the face, such as nasolabial folds, marionette lines, cheeks, and temples.

    The Procedure and Recovery 

    Dermal fillers are delicately injected with a small needle into specific areas of the face during a liquid facelift. The majority of the time, the treatment is well accepted, and any discomfort is typically mild. Usually, patients can return to their regular activities right away after the surgery.

    Conclusion A liquid facelift with dermal fillers can be a great alternative for individuals who want to consider a clinically approved non-invasive treatment to look more refreshed and younger without having surgery. This non-invasive process can help you turn back the hands of time and feel good about your skin because it can restore volume, reduce wrinkles, and enhance face contours while requiring little downtime and producing natural-looking results. Speak to a knowledgeable, experienced practitioner like Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanayan, a renowned cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad, to learn more.

  • Rhinoplasty for Nasal Hump Correction

    The nose is one of the most important facial features when it comes to determining one’s overall appearance. Self-consciousness about their looks can be a continual worry for people who have a nasal hump or dorsal hump, sometimes described as a noticeable protrusion on the bridge of the nose. Fortunately, rhinoplasty, a surgical treatment intended to alter the nose’s form, provides a remedy for people trying to address this particular issue and attain a more even and harmonious facial profile.

    Dr. Sandhya Balasubramayan provides rhinoplasty surgery in Bangalore. She suggests this treatment to individuals seeking treatments for their misshapen or crooked nose and nasal hump correction. Regarding nasal hump correction, this blog has shared significant insights. So read the blog carefully.

    What is Nasal Hump?

    An elevated region along the nose’s bridge that produces a noticeable bulge or irregularity is referred to as a nasal hump. Genetics, trauma, or the formation of bone and cartilage naturally are just a few of the causes of this disorder. From small asymmetries to more prominent bumps, the hump can vary in size and shape and have a significant impact on one’s self-confidence.

    The Rhinoplasty Approach

    Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure. A qualified and well-experienced plastic surgeon performs the invasive treatment to reshape the nose, correcting any structural imperfections and achieving the desired aesthetic outcome. For nasal hump correction, the surgeon employs specific techniques tailored to these specific needs.

    During the procedure, the surgeon makes carefully planned incisions, either inside the nostrils (closed rhinoplasty) or across the columella (open rhinoplasty). This allows access to the underlying bone and cartilage, which are then meticulously reshaped to remove the nasal hump and create a smoother contour. In some cases, additional steps may be necessary to address other concerns, such as nasal tip refinement or functional issues like breathing difficulties.

    Benefits of Nasal Hump Correction

    1. It enhances facial harmony by correcting the nasal hump and making the facial profile more beneficial.
    2. Individuals feel boosted self-esteem and confidence following nasal hump correction. 
    3. In cases where the nasal hump is accompanied by structural issues that impede proper airflow, rhinoplasty can address these concerns, leading to improved breathing function.

    Recovery and Results

    Patients might anticipate a several-week recuperation period following the operation. Although there may be some swelling, bruising, and minor discomfort, these side effects eventually go away to show the surgery’s final benefits. To ensure successful healing and a positive outcome, it’s crucial to adhere to the surgeon’s post-operative instructions.
    If you are willing to consider rhinoplasty to correct a nasal hump, consultation with a qualified surgeon is advisable. To find one in Bangalore, you can end your search with Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, the best plastic surgeon in Bangalore. Schedule an advance appointment now.

  • Step By Step Tummy Tuck Surgery Discussed

    Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a body contouring treatment. This invasive cosmetic procedure treats the inflated abdominal area caused by pregnancy after-effects, hormonal imbalance or medication. Tummy tuck surgery removes stubborn belly fat and tightens the abdominal muscles. Abdominoplasty is beneficial for males and females who has undergone significant weight loss programs, but they are unable to get the desired slimmed look. 

    In this blog, Dr. Sandhya Balasubhramanyan, a plastic surgeon renowned for providing the best tummy tuck surgery in Hyderabad, will share a step-by-step guide to tummy tuck surgery. So, read the blog carefully to learn how abdominoplasty is beneficial to get freedom from an oversized stomach. 

    Step 1: Make the Patient Comfortable Anaesthesia

    The surgical procedure of tummy tuck starts with making the patient more comfortable. For this, the administration of anesthesia takes place. An anesthesiologist examines the patient’s overall health and the duration of the procedure and injects general anesthesia accordingly. To ensure the patients remain comfortable throughout the procedure.

    Step 2: Make Incision

    Anaesthesia takes 30 to 60 seconds to make the patient relaxed. After that, the next step of Incision starts. In this step, the plastic surgeon incisions the marked belly fat. An experienced plastic surgeon keeps the number of incisions minimal and less visible. Therefore the area’s lower abdomen, just above the pubic area, is highly considered by surgeons. 

    Step 3: Liposuction

    The next step after the incision is liposuction. This fat extraction procedure targets fat deposited in the abdominal area and extracts it. A tummy tuck combines abdominal liposuction and other related body parts repositioning, depending upon the patient’s medical need. The steps include abdominal wall repair and naval repositioning. 

    Step 4: Stitches 

    This is the final step of abdominoplasty, in which skin-absorbing or dissolvable stitches are used to close the incisions. For this, surgeons will use sutures to close the incision and may also place a small drain to prevent fluid buildup.

    Recovery After Liposuction

    Abdominoplasty is a kind of major surgery that requires the patient’s intense care for a while. Therefore, after the successful tummy tuck surgery, the patient will be taken to a recovery room and closely monitored by medical staff. During this tenure, pain relieving medication. After recovering well, the patient gets discharged and starts resting at home. During the recovery period at home, the patient is advised to:-

    • Avoid sleeping in the upward direction
    • Wear skin-fit clothes to keep the treated area well-settled
    • Avoid strenuous activity
    • Keep the treated area clean and hygienic. 
    • Avoid alcohol and consumption of nicotine

    Patients can typically return to work and normal activities within two to four weeks after surgery.
    To learn more about tummy surgery, visit Dr. Sandhya Balasubhramanyan – the best plastic surgeon in Hyderabad today.

  • Flared Nostrils Correction with Rhinoplasty

    Flared Nostrils Correction with Rhinoplasty

    The nose is one of the major focal points of attraction. But, for some, it becomes the reason for their embarrassment, and the leading cause is their flared nostrils. This deformity of nostrils is reversible through a nose job called rhinoplasty.

    In this blog, Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, a renowned plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty surgery in Hyderabad, will discuss using this facial nose job surgery for flared nostrils correction. 

    Rhinoplasty for Flared Nostrils Correction

    Rhinoplasty is the best treatment to correct flared nostrils. In this facial surgery, columella- the cartilage (a muscle wall between both nostrils ) is used to access the muscles causing flared nostrils walls. Sometimes columella itself is the cause of nostril deformities. Cosmetic surgeons surgically correct these deformities by making incisions on the columella. After performing the surgery, they stitch and hide the incision marks. 

    In rhinoplasty surgery anaesthesia and incision are used. Hence, patients require a daycare under the cosmetic surgeon’s observation.

    Post Nostrils Correction Recovery

    After a successful nose job patent is advised to take care of the health and follow the instructions as mentioned below: 

    • Keep the head up for at least 1 week. One can use 2 pillows to make the posture comforting
    • One should avoid strenuous activities for at least 4 weeks
    • Keep the treated area clean. Apply antiseptic cream along the suture line after cleaning the nose with saline-tipped cotton buds
    • Avoid blocking the nose. To do so, one can use nasal spray decongestant drops
    • Avoid spicy food that could release sweat
    • Try to stop the sneezing
    • Take medication recommended by the doctor
    • Avoid sun exposure.

    Side-effects of Rhinoplasty

    Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure; hence post, treatment, and counter-effects are obvious. Some of the counter-effects post a rhinoplasty are as given below:

    • Mild edema and bruising 
    • Scar at the lower base of the nose 
    • Nasal obstruction and infection, poor healing, and asymmetries brought on by persistent skin swelling are uncommon.

    All the above-mentioned post-rhinoplasty discomforting factors are short-term, and one will go away within a few days. However, in some 10 to 20% of cases revision rhinoplasty becomes essential, if the surgery is not performed by an expert plastic or nose job surgeon. This may be because of one’s weak immune system or because of not following the guidelines prescribed by the surgeon. 

    For a successful nose surgery, candidates need to be stress free, avoid smoking, and take blood thinning tablets. Thereafter, depending upon the candidates, blood tests, anaesthetic checks, and nose CT scans of deviated septum patients are performed. 

    One looking for the best cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad can visit Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan today at her clinic. For more insights pay a visit now!

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